Well between work and school I was looking at the sky. I did realize that the sky began with a layer of clouds most likely stratus clouds then later on in the day the sky began to appear in tiny holes in the clouds. Later around 1 the sky had very few clouds and the sun was shining. The weather was exceptional with some winds blowing.
This current conditions are brought to you by AccuWeather.com!
Temperature: 23 degrees F
Wind: 6 mph from the North West
Real Feel: 19 degrees F
Dew point: 13 degrees F.
Cloud Cover: 20%
Precipitation: none
Barometric Pressure: 30.34 and rising
It will be pretty cold tonight with some winds blowing but not too strong. With the rising barometric the clouds will be scarce and that will allow cooler temps.
The next two images should both show wind patterns. The first one, with the Surface data plot shows where cloud cover is as well as the temps in the areas. I believe no storm will come soon.
oooo visually enticing...