The weather was wonderful today! The sun was shining with high cirrus clouds in the sky very wispy meaning that the clouds are so high that they have small ice crystals giving them the appearance of wispy. The sunset was a pretty site I regret not getting a picture. However, the temp should remain consistent for the next few days and hope it stays!
This current conditions are brought to you by!
Temperature: 56 degrees F
Wind: 0 mph from the North West
Real Feel: 59 degrees F
Dew point: 42 degrees F.
Cloud Cover: 100%
Barometric Pressure: 30.02 in.
The high pressure area is still here so not much change in the weather for awhile.
I mainly added this for the sweet design that is located over South Dakota. The pattern is following the high pressure area that is centered right there.
Here is the 500 mb height and this shows where our temps our gona be from wiht the 60 and 70s tomorrow.