This current conditions are brought to you by!
Temperature: 38 degrees F
Wind: 9 mph from the North East
Real Feel: 34 degrees F
Dew point: 26 degrees F.
Cloud Cover: 100%
Precipitation: none
Barometric Pressure: 30.07 in.
Jet stream with the trough over Iowa bringing the warmer air to Wisconsin for a while.
The high pressure area should reduce the amount of chance that precipitation will come.
Here is the 500 mb air streams. It does show the air moving West to East and that could bring some of the precipitation later tonight.
However, the current winds show blowing from North East. This is not as big of influence on the storm that could come as the 500 mb level. The end result is likely some precipitation tonight but I do not believe it will be that much.
The moisture in our area is not as much as the to the South of us. Some could come our way later tonight.
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