Monday, March 11, 2013

Licked by the Weather!

The weather turned into a doozy of a snow storm.  Eau Claire received a good amount of snow and it was pretty heavy.

This current conditions are brought to you by!

Temperature: 28 degrees F
Wind: 10 mph from the North West
Real Feel: 18 degrees F
Dew point: 22 degrees F.
Cloud Cover:  100%
Precipitation:  6 to 7  inches of snow
Barometric Pressure: 29.71

The jet stream shows that cooler air in our area and not too likely that extreme weather will occur.

However, with the low front to the West of us the possibility of a storm is approaching.

Right now the only large quantity of moisture is on the East coast.  So as of now I do not believe that a storm will occur in the near future.