Monday, February 11, 2013

Slush puppies!

Today's walk to class was eventful!  Full of dodging large pools of slush while avoiding the slippery icy patches.  The wind I did notice was coming from the West as I walked to class with temperatures being mild.  Cloud cover was 100%.

A review of my previous forecast was pretty accurate.  The temperatures today were roughly the same as yesterday.

The current conditions as AccuWeather states, are:

Temperature: 27 degrees F
Wind: 18 mph coming from the West with gusts up to 27 mph
Real Feel: 10 degrees F
Dew point: 18 degrees F.
Cloud Cover: 100%
Precipitation: about 2 inches of snow was recieved.

Something I have always wondered about was the Dew point. 
 "Dew points indicate the amount moisture in the air. The higher the dew points, the higher the moisture content of the air at a given temperature. Dew point temperature is defined as the temperature to which the air would have to cool (at constant pressure and constant water vapor content) in order to reach saturation " (

Here is today's current wind map from,

My forecast for tomorrow will include similar weather as today with no snowfall because of the no snowfall west of us.   

US: Current Weather

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